Frequently Asked Questions & their Answers

  1. Photocopy of the building permit
  2. If the license is issued to a different name than the applicant, you need to provide property titles linking the two names.
  3. In the case of an old building, (prior to 1947) a declaration by the owner of the property with authentication of signature, in which he declares that the property (address, use, floors and surface) for which he or she is requesting the connection was built before 1947
  4. Property Titles (Deed or tax form E9)

You can apply for a connection HERE

  1. Photocopy of the building permit
  2. Photocopy of floor plans of the property
  3. If the license is issued to a different name than the applicant, you need to provide property titles linking the two names.
  4. In the case of an old building, (prior to 1947) a declaration by the owner of the property with authentication of signature, in which he declares that the property (address, use, floors and surface) for which he or she is requesting the connection was built before 1947
    Property Titles (Deed or tax form E9)
  5. Photocopy of an electricity bill or of a E9 tax form (for the surface in m2 of the house).
  6. Responsible statement by the owner of the property, with authentication of signature, stating that “the exact number of m2 of the property is …”

You can apply for a connection HERE

The bills are issued every 4 months.

Check-out the water meter with all the internal taps closed. If the meter is active (its needle is turning) it probably means there is a water leak in your interior. In case the needle is stopped with all the taps closed, the meter should be examined in workshop by EYDAP (Athens Water Company) to insure the proper operation of the meter. The cost of the audit is at the expense of the consumer (€ 64.42) if the meter is found to function properly; the fee is reimbursed to the consumer if it’s found that the meter was overcharging.

You can submit a request for a review of your bill HERE

The rational management of water resources and the saving of water, especially the cultivation of a new mentality regarding water management, emphasize the imperative need to safeguard the needs of modern lifestyle, but also of the island’s ecosystems.

It must be understood by everyone and especially by all of us who live on the island that water, the main element of life, is scarce and we have the responsibility and duty to manage it properly and make every effort to save it. Water should not be taken for granted. Its lack is one of the most critical problems faced by humanity. It is a public good that nature seems to be giving us in fewer quantities, so we need to use it properly and limit its waste. The water saving margins are big and we are all encouraged to practice the following suggestions to ensure the best possible use of the last drop.

  • Immediately replace the dripping taps.
  • Check and repair any faults in the valves and throughout the installation of our home.
  • Inspect the water flush tank, the float and cisterns that are connected to our installation for damage.
  • Wash the fruits and vegetables in a bowl, using the same water and for watering the flowers.
  • Select electrical appliances that belong to a high water saving class.
  • Only use washing machines and dishwashers when they are full, adjusting them to the most economical program.
  • Prefer the shower instead of the full bath.
  • Set the float in the toilet flush at the lowest possible point.
  • Brush our teeth with the tap closed during brushing.
  • When shaving, do not allow the tap to run and use some water in a suitable container.
  • Clean your balconies and outside areas with a bucket and a mop rather than a hose.
  • Wash your car infrequently, using bucket and sponge.
  • Urge and advise children not to play with water and taps in the yard.
  • Water flowers and plants with a sprinkler, early in the morning or late afternoon, when evaporation is limited.
  • Replace the shower phone with some other lower flow. Prefer mixer taps with flow that can be regulated without affecting the proportion of hot and cold water.
  • Do not throw different types of waste into the toilet bowl, using the toilet flush unnecessarily.
  • When a drop in water pressure occurs, we reduce consumption to what is absolutely necessary.
  • Immediately after an eventual interruption of water supply, restrain for a short period of time to meet basic needs, to give the system time to balance.
  • Especially in settlements where the residents know that the quantities are not sufficient to meet peak demand constantly, it is advisable to use water rationally, avoiding as much as possible unnecessary consumptions.

In the water supply network of DEYAP the average water hardness value is 350mg/lt of CaCO3.

To set the washing machine according to different units of measurement, use the following table:

mg/lt CaCO3 (or ppm) German unit  dH⁰ French unit ⁰fH mmol/l
350 20 35 3.5