The Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Paros is a Legal Entity under private law that operates to ensure the smooth water supply of the island through the rational management of limited water resources and the protection of the environment through the efficient operation of the sewerage networks, the pumping stations, and the Biological Cleaning.

It is called uponto cope in the best possible way with the ever-increasing residential development of the island, as well as the increase in the permanent and seasonal population that this entails, combined with the decrease in water reserves.

It studies, constructs, repairs, expands, and maintains the water supply networks, boreholes, tanks, and pumping stations of the entire island, with the aim of providing quality services to its consumers.

Controls the quality of water with modern means, in accordance with the European Union standards in the Company’s quality and control laboratory and in accredited external laboratories.

It has and maintains an extensive and constantly expanding sewerage network, 17 sewage pumping stations, and 3 Biological Treatment Plants that ensure secondary treatment of wastewater using the extended aeration method, protecting the island from significant environmental pollution problems.

In our effort to continuously evolve and provide high-quality services, we consider it essential to support our consumers through the proper management of water and avoid unnecessary and excessive consumption.
Water is precious and its protection… everyone’s duty!

Bafitis Georgios
President D.E.Y.A.P.